Saturday, September 23, 2006

I Can See Clearly Now...

I know, this line comes from a song, but it expresses how I feel about this semester -- now.

On Wed. I gave my power point presentation for my Shakespeare class. It was about pogonology (study of beards). I gave my introduction saying, "I love beards, but let me be specific. I like well groomed, short beards, not ZZ Top kind of beards." Everyone laughed and my professor asked me how I felt about "that Oak Ridge boy with that long beard." I don't think I went over my four minutes and that is always a good thing for me once I do start talking. Before I could get to my seat, several students gave me words of praise for my presentation. This experience is so different than being at the community college. There aren't many students at college who are willing or able to give words of encouragement. The sense of community at the University is strong and everyone goes out of their way to encourage and help one another.

My frustration with grammar terminology isn't so bad now. I visited with one of the college professors for 2.5 hours on Fri. while she went over the basics with me. It helped-a lot! I even came home with homework she assigned. :-) I hope to incorporate the same energy and passion for English grammar into my own teaching as Ms. Varner has for it.

Not a lot to report about my education course, it's fun, it's easy, and it's what keeps me from feeling overwhelmed.

I'm finally able to work ahead on my classes. Plus, I can enjoy time with my grandchildren and work in my yard. My focus this year is to stay balanced between school and family.

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