Monday, May 23, 2005

May mini-mester…

What was I thinking?! I was warned, boy was I warned, but did I take everyone’s advice? No, I had to try it out for myself. Somehow, I’m doing it, but I have no life outside of reading and studying and reading some more right now. I am half way through my May ‘mester class, a marathon of learning that squeezes a 15 week course into 11 days. I thought this was supposed to be a three week course, but 11 days? I love the class and the professor is so knowledgeable and presents the information in such a way as to make it really interesting, but this will be the last time I take a May ‘mester class. There is too much information to process and spit back out in too little time and I’m exhausted everyday from using up so many brain cells at a time.

I’m teetering between an A and B so far and we have three more test and three more quizzes before we finish on May 31. Please keep me in prayer that I retain the information I’m reading and am able to process it with the results showing up on my test…preferably as an A rather than a B (it’s the whole 4.0 GPA thing I’m trying to maintain for scholarship opportunities). Thanks!!