Monday, May 08, 2006

End of the Semester…

and only one more summer semester here at the community college before I shift gears and transfer to the University. I have two finals this week and tutor each day until 1 p.m. but after Thursday it’ll be me time for three weeks. I’m ready for the break before my summer classes start. I can’t really count the four days between summer I and summer II, but then I’ll have almost three weeks off before the fall semester. Seems that I have been in school forever; but it hasn’t been that long. I started in Jan. of ’04 and will get my Associates degree in Dec. ’06. This isn’t too bad when I think about the 12hrs of developmental classes I took to refresh my algebra skills.

I’m making a list of projects I want to get accomplish during my breaks. One project will get passed on to someone else, I don’t do the finishing on quilts and I have one I pieced together for my granddaughter. There are a few sewing projects on my list, but mostly I’m going to take the time to work in my gardens. I haven’t spent much time on them for the past two years, just maintained the basic upkeep, but I really want to have a kitchen garden again. The other thing I need to do is get back into my exercise routine. I’ve neglected to exercise on a regular basis this semester due to my schedule and all of the sitting is beginning to take its toll on my backside. I enjoy 8 am classes, but it’s too dark to walk at 5am and by the time I come home around 2pm, I don’t want to get all hot and sweaty. I prefer to exercise early in the morning and then get ready for the day. So, I made sure to schedule my summer classes for a little later in the morning to allow me time to walk first thing and still have time to get ready for school. I love to exercise and I know this is something I’m going to work into my daily schedule no matter how busy I am.

I’ll write more later after this week if finished and I can think about other things