Thursday, July 08, 2004

Sorry I haven't posted sooner, but it's been a very busy week! Kayleigh finally decided it was time to see everyone on Monday. I took lunch over to Justin and Michelle's at 11am, along with some snacks. Justin had called a couple of times during the morning wanting to know if we were coming over anytime soon. He said Michelle wasn't being very nice to him while she was in labor. I took a book to read knowing that Michelle most likely wasn't going to want to talk through her contractions. I made sure she had water to drink, ate a little and timed her contractions. She did great! I'm really proud of her as she walked and rocked through her pains. Justin and his dad were in the garage working on a bookshelf. That was the best thing for Justin to do, he came in to check on Michelle often but for the most part stayed out of the way. I gave him 30min. notice to wrap it up and get a shower before leaving for the hospital. When we left her house around 4pm her contractions were a minute apart.

All that laboring got her to 4 cm. Michelle was so tired and didn't think she could make it any longer without drugs. We all knew when she received them. Justin walked out to the waiting room with a smile on his face saying, "Michelle likes me again." After about an hour, her mother, sister and I got to go in and stay with her. Michelle had asked me earlier to take lots of pictures throughout the whole event and so I did, two rolls!

The pace picked up pretty quickly and everyone got into their places. It was hard to stay focused through the tears once Kayleigh crowned. The Doctor instructed me when to take the photo of Justin cutting the cord. It was all I could do to stand on tip-toes over his hairy arm as he positioned the scissors. There is nothing like being in such close proximity to the birth of your grandchild! The clock read 10:30pm and the room was filled with a mixture of awe, excitement and tears. The joy of a new life entering into this world is beyond compare to anything else.

Kayleigh weighed in at 7lbs. 3oz and is 19" long. Her hair looked pretty red at first, but as it dried it is dark blond with the hint of strawberry red coloring. She is beautiful and we are all so glad she came, late as it was but just on time to cooperate with my break in-between my two summer sessions at college.

I went back to classes on Wed. but was able to help them go home from the hospital that afternoon. No matter how busy school may be, there will always be enough time to stop by and see Kayleigh.

love you all!

She's here! This is our grandaughter Kayleigh Lynn  Posted by Hello