Thursday, July 01, 2004

I’m learning a lot so far, not just academically but I have learned a lot about myself. I know that when faced with something that is difficult I have two choices. I can either quit or I can dig in, stand fast and not be moved from my determination to just do it! Sometimes it is hard work to stand fast, but the reward I receive during the battle and then in the end, make it worth it. I have grown in confidence as a result of confronting opposition. I use to think that it was easier to walk away from difficult situations as a way to not rock the boat. However, I have learned that if there is something I want to accomplish then nothing can stand in my way. Even when something gets in the way, I am learning how to work through, over, or around it and when necessary, work with it.

Being in College keeps me on my knees in prayer. Prayer works, along with a lot of studying. This is the first finals test I have had to take this year. Last semester I was exempt from taking the finals in my first class since I already had an A. In my English class our last paper counted as our finals. I had my pre-algebra finals today and stayed long enough for the teacher to run the scantron through the machine so that I could see my grade for this test and then she logged it for the final grade. I really wanted an A on this test and I got it! I actually made a 96 on the test which gives me an overall grade of 88 for the class. I’m okay with it; no, not just okay, I’m really excited about this grade! Earlier this month I began to think that I might have to settle for a C in this class. However, for the past two weeks I started “getting it” and felt that maybe I should start expecting to receive a B. I don’t advise anyone to take a math course during a short five week summer session if they aren’t strong in their mathematical skills. I suppose if I were to think about how much I have accomplished in this class on top of the very short semester with math not one of my strengths, then I would conclude that I have done really well. I even started to enjoy the geometry section we finished up with. While I haven’t said I hated math, I can’t quite say that I love it. This is just a class I have to get through, get the grade to add to my requirements so that I can move on toward my degree.

I have a week off before the next summer session starts. Hopefully, during this time off our granddaughter will make her arrival. Today is her official due date and so far no sign that this will be her birthday. She’ll come in her own good time and now I have time to do some baking before we get the phone call to meet at the hospital. I’m planning on making cookies to take to the hospital for all of us who will be there for the birth. This is Michelle’s first child which could mean a long wait. I’ll keep everyone posted about the birth.

Thanks again to everyone who keeps me in their prayers as I pursue my dream of getting my degree. Love you!