Monday, March 06, 2006

Transferring to TWU

It’s official, I will be transferring to TWU in the fall. I applied for scholarships and received notice for one of them last week. This two-year scholarship will pay a little more than half of my tuition. I am hoping to receive notice for another scholarship from Phi Theta Kappa, the honor society I joined after my first semester. If I receive this one, it will cover the remainder of my tuition, pay for my books, gas, and parking fees and I may have something left over for lunch money. So, if you were to ask me if it was worth the time and effort I put into my studies, I’d have to say “Yes, finally my 4.0 GPA is paying off!”

Part of me is excited about transferring and the other part of me is hesitant to leave the comfort zone of the community college. I have had a wonderful experience these past two years meeting new friends and professors. This has been a period of growth, both spiritually and academically. I pray that I have planted many seeds of faith along the way and watered a few seeds. I’ll have to trust that others will come along to nurture the remainder. This is my mission field and I have enjoyed every moment of my time here.

Spring break starts next week. I’m looking forward to some time off, only I never really take time off from my studies. I plan to write my final paper for American Literature during the break. I’ve been working on it for the past few weeks and feel ready to take the time to focus on completing the paper. I really like this class, the student’s level of participation make it one of my most exciting classes thus far. It also helps to have a great professor to lead and prompt the discussions. This is my fourth semester with this professor and I’ll miss him the most. He pushed me to find my potential in all things related to Literature and consequently, influenced my decision to major in English.

So far, this is one of most enjoyable semesters even though I spend many hours reading, writing, and studying (especially my Spanish). I may even find more time to blog. Until then, hasta luego.