Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Spring Semester is Almost Over

Just two more weeks left in this semester. It’s kind of weird to think that I am finishing my freshman year of college. I love being at school, but there are times when I wish my classes were accelerated. I have been finished with my computer science lab since spring break and took my last test for the lecture portion last week. I have one paper to write for my British Literature class, but that shouldn’t take long once I get my inspiration. The last few authors haven’t been very inspiring to read which makes it really hard to write about them or their works. The only class I can’t get too far ahead in is my algebra class. I never thought I would enjoy algebra as much as I do now. I think it has a lot to do with the fact that math is concrete, formulaic and in the end you get the answer and then you’re finished. I have a great teacher who teaches algebra in my learning style which really makes a difference.

I’ve talked to the director who hired me for tutoring to find out if she was going to keep me on for the fall semester. She is so wonderful and I just love to be around her. I tell everyone that I want to be like her when I grow up. Anyway, she will be keeping me as a tutor. I hope that I will be able to continue tutoring until I graduate. It is very validating to help someone else understand algebra or English or whatever else I get to help with.

I have one week between the end of this semester and the beginning of the May ‘Mester. Technically, that week is for finals but I won’t be taking any so I may not have to go to school all that week. I’m looking forward to taking Sociology even though it will be a 15 week course crammed into three. Being in school year round will get me through it at the average rate as others since I only take 10 hrs per semester. I know myself well enough to keep everything in balance. If I took more classes, I wouldn’t be able to tutor and I get so much from that. Besides, I would miss not being in school if I were to take more than 2-3 weeks off at a time.

I love my life as it is now and feel very blessed!