Thursday, September 02, 2004

College classes started on Monday this week and I now have a few minutes to update. I have reset my alarm to get up at 5:45am which allows me the time I need to walk four miles each morning, eat breakfast and read the paper before getting ready for school which starts for me at 9am.

This semester I’m taking Public Speaking, English 1302 and Beginning Algebra, in this order on purpose. After taking pre-algebra this summer and the brain-strain I experienced four days a week for four weeks, I decided that I needed to take it as the last class of the day. I wanted to have some ability to comprehend what I will be learning in the first two classes before I’m left with mush for a brain as a result of sitting in algebra. I do have a feeling though, that this class won’t be as bad as I felt about it this summer. The teacher reviewed on Wednesday and I was actually able to follow along and not feel overwhelmed or mentally exhausted by the end of the class. So far, I think the class will be different due to the teacher’s style, it clicks with mine. At least the light stayed on and I understood everything we were going over. My other two classes are going to be exciting and I’m looking forward to getting involved with the learning as well as the participation part. My speech teacher reminds me of my Aunt. She has given me enough insight as to what her personality is like and as a result I have a feeling that I’ll be learning a lot from her. As for English, I have the same teacher as I had for my first semester and that was certainly by choice. I learned a lot in his class, both personally and academically. This class is larger then the first one with him and he has started working on his doctorate. We’ll see how well he does while under the stress of teaching three classes and being a student.

I don’t expect that I will have the same experience as I had in my first semester of college. I am thankful for the wonderful and overall positive experience of that first semester and wouldn’t trade it for anything. However, I have always thought about each life experience as stepping stones along our paths. Ever the optimist, I anticipate that this semester will be a good one and perhaps even better as I am better equipped to glean more knowledge and experiences from my time in college.

However optimistic I may be, I desire your continued prayers, especially concerning my math classes. Your prayers thus far have helped me get through the adjustments of college life and leaning. I know they made a huge difference this summer while I took pre-algebra. Please continue to keep me covered as I pursue my college career. Speaking of algebra, I have some homework to get finished.