Thursday, December 23, 2004

25 years ago today, Justin Lee Russell came into our lives weighing in at 9lbs 6.5oz. and 20.75 inches. In the top photo he is one week old. The second photo, he is three weeks old. Happy birthday son, we love you! Posted by Hello

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

It's Beginning to Look a lot like Christmas!
 Posted by Hello
It’s Beginning to Look A Lot like Christmas!

We are getting more than snow flurries; we’re actually getting an accumulation of snow! It looks beautiful coming down with huge snowflakes that almost look like snowballs. The weather report predicts at least 3 inches of snow and it should stick around until Christmas day when the temperatures rise to the 50’s. The roads are too warm for the snow to stick to for now, but the grassy areas and roof tops are getting a white blanket covering.

The photo I posted was taken on Valentine's Day this year but we used it for our Christmas cards this year, it was so beautiful.

Monday, December 20, 2004

Last grade

I finally received my last grade in my Speech class, an A. I'm glad for it; however, I am thankful the class is over! What I learned as a result of being in this class, is that it allowed me to practice confidence in whom I am in the Lord and in the position I have been created for, without fear, excuses or arguments. The class didn’t teach me this; I learned it as the result of taking a stand for what is right. Anyway, it is over and now I can move on.

Today marks one week into my holiday break and I have crossed off most of my “to do” list! I’ve always been organized and pretty efficient with my time, I just never realized how much I could get finished now that school is out for the holiday. Or, maybe I should say that as the result of being in school, where I had to really make the most of my time, I now get much more accomplished in an allotted amount of time. I have even added several projects to my original list as my creative juices flowed...finished them too! With our mild Texas weather holding out, I finally got to take care of the last few outdoor projects. So, now the garden is cleaned up and put to bed for the winter, the outside windows are washed, the leaves are in the compost and everything is ready for winter to arrive officially, tomorrow. Our weather report is saying that we might get some snow flurries on Wednesday this week. We tend to get ice and rarely does it snow here in North Texas, but it would be fun to get a few inches of snow that is, as long as it goes away by the end of the day and I don’t have to get out in it.

Next week after Christmas, we will take the motorhome out for a few days and go camping. We haven’t gone as much as we normally go, not since I’ve been in college year round. Mike and I love getting away, hiking and biking around in the country and just enjoying nature all around us. It’ll be a nice break away from the normal routines. Once we come back, my calendar is filled with appointments, hair, dentist, veterinary and a couple of dinner parties. All this squeezed in before my trip to Oregon for a week. My brother and his wife own their own business and have a workshop/conference to attend to for the week, while their two kids stay home because they are in school. This takes place every other year and so this will be my second year to go during January. My DIL, Michelle and granddaughter, Kayleigh will be flying with me this time. It’s always fun when I go out there, but having Michelle and Kayleigh with me during the day will make the days go by faster. I usually have a list of projects to work on when I’m there, but they don’t always take up all of my time and I’m not much of a TV watcher, so it can get boring even with reading. Four days after we get home, classes start up again.

I have learned how to be still for periods of time, but for the most part I tend to be a busy type of person and get bored if I don’t have something productive going on. I even have two to three books going at the same time, I’m down to two now. I decided to open up my British Literature (next semester) book and start doing some background research on the first chapter, Beowulf. If it weren’t for the fact that this book must weigh two pounds and is huge, I’d take it with me to Oregon to read. But, there is just no easy way to tote this book on board without it counting as a carry-on. Anyway, the preview for this very long poem/story sounds interesting and I’m looking forward to getting into it.

If you’re one of those who don’t get much time to yourself anymore, just remember that it is the season you are in and it will change, mine did. Enjoy each season, I have, and it only gets better as each season comes and goes.