Saturday, August 20, 2005

28th Wedding Anniversary

I’ve spent the past two days getting the motorhome ready on the inside (my job), creating a menu for the week, doing the grocery shopping and packing the things we need to enjoy our time in the Hill Country of Texas. Mike and I both need this vacation and it won’t matter if it is suppose to be hot. We like to get up early, before it gets really hot, eat some breakfast and then ride or hike through the country for a couple of hours. The area we are going to is known for some waterfalls and there has been enough rain lately to keep the river full, so maybe we’ll play in the water some. When it gets really hot we stay inside with the air conditioner, take naps, read and play games. We don’t go back outside until later in the evening when the temperatures cool down. Camping is our way to retreat from the fast paced lives we live. It forces us to slow down, relax and just spend some uninterrupted time together. What a great opportunity to spend time together celebrating our anniversary.

Wednesday the 24th will be our 28th wedding anniversary. Sometimes it’s hard to believe that we have shared our lives together for so long and at other times it seems like it was only yesterday when we got married. I love being married so much that I used to say that if something were to happen to Mike, I knew I would want to remarry. I said that when our sons were still living at home. Now, after being married for so long with both sons married, I don’t know if I would want to start all over again and remarry. I tease Mike about it and say that it’s because I have him so well trained that I just wouldn’t want to put the work into training another man. And then again I think it’s because I know how picky I am with all of my quirks and all (I admit that I’m high-maintenance). But, I really think it’s because our marriage is so wonderfully balanced, we really do bring the best out in one another, and so I can’t imagine it ever being duplicated. I’m just going to continue to dedicate our marriage and lives to the Lord, trusting Him to give us many more years together.

It may be a couple of weeks before I have a chance to write again. We get home on Friday and will jump back into the frantic pace of busyness as we clean out the motorhome and prepare it to be shut up for the next few months. Then on Saturday I have an orientation to attend with the professor I will be assisting this semester. By Monday, it will be back to “fastening our seatbelts and here we go” as it will be the start of my fall semester…with college algebra as the class that gives me anxiety but I know I can do it and even enjoy the subject. I think I mentioned in the last posting that I will be taking my books with me on vacation to get as far ahead on all of the reading as I can and then do the review for algebra.

Hope everyone has enjoyed their summer and is ready for the change in the season as we all get back into a new school year. This will be the semester when I should know if Biology is still my passion. I’ll keep you posted.