Saturday, July 02, 2005

A Visit to the Universities

Now that I have my visits to the two Universities completed, let me tell you about it. I’m a mommy with grown kids, but I was wishing I had a mommy to hold my hand as I went through the tours. It was kind of weird to see all of the parents at both Universities, walking with their kids, helping to carry the bag of “stuff” everyone gets and just being there to support their child. The wish passed as I soaked up everything about being at one of the Universities. I asked lots of questions, took mental notes about everything at each place and most importantly, I listened to the inner voice (the Holy Spirit).

My first visit was a week ago, at Texas Women’s University. The grounds are beautiful, the buildings are old and stately and the different buildings are within easy walking distance (no need to run to the next class). I had been planning on this University all along, so I kind of had a biased expectation before I went. Several of my dear friends and Professors graduated from TWU. However, from the time I arrived in the parking lot, it just didn’t feel right. I know we aren’t supposed to go by feelings, but…I kept having this feeling that I wasn’t suppose to be there. I could have pushed those feelings aside and make my decision to attend there, up until I talked to the College of Education. The two advisors that spoke to me didn’t break the doubts I was already having. Unfortunately, they argued about several points concerning transfers students and what would be the best route for me to go. What really topped it off was their bashing community college. One advisor actually displayed anger about the differences between community college and a four year college. She went on to say how she wished she could talk to students before they take classes at a community college and on and on both of them went. I left that University exhausted, but with a sense of having a door closed. After this visit, I was looking forward to my next week at University of North Texas.

Everything about UNT was exciting, and it started before I got there. One can not ignore signs and wonders as different doors were being opened along the way. Through one of my Professors, I was given a name almost every day prior to my visit. My part in all of this was to contact each Professor at UNT to set up an appointment. I was able to talk to four different departments, each one leading me along the path of enlightenment where college is concerned. I never thought it would be so confusing to transfer, but there are so many different avenues to consider. Anyway, I came home exhausted, yet feeling exhilarated by the whole experience.

Now I have a clearer picture of the next steps I need to take before I even transfer. Understanding the degree plan helped more than I realized which has given me a sense of peace concerning my last two semesters at my community college. So, come July 18th I will be signing up for my Fall semester knowing that I am well on my way to fulfilling the core curriculum for both places as well as getting the curriculum needed to satisfy the Arts and Science degree plan.

I’m still exhausted from all of the walking around; UNT isn’t compact in its layout and consequently, I got a lot of walking in. I think a nap is in order today.