Monday, May 09, 2005

Finals Week

Finals are just another test as far as I’m concerned, so I don’t panic over the idea of taking them and besides, I don’t have to take any since I’m exempt with straight A’s again. I’m guessing this will be my last semester of classes where I have that choice. In the meantime, I will enjoy the fact that I don’t have any this week.

I will be going in on Wednesday for my last class of British Literature. It is only a formality as required by the administration. I anticipate it to be an emotional last day with my professor after having him for three semesters. He always ends the semester by wrapping up the literature with his statement of faith. Most of the students this semester have openly shared their own statement of faith, especially noted in their own essays. However, there is one woman who has made it very clear that she doesn’t want any part of the religious aspects mentioned in our literature and consequently, our conversations. If the opportunity is right, I will probably talk to her on our way out.

On Friday, I go to school to retake the math portion of my entrance exam. I chose not to take it when I started college since it had been over 20 years since I last took math. Anyway, I have to retest to have a second score for my records so that I can take the last required math class in the fall. After taking three semesters of algebra, I have grown to love it but not so much as to change my major. However, I may take another math class just to qualify for either an associate of science or an associate of art. I normally would take time to review for a few days prior to testing, but I’m not going to stress over this one too much, it doesn’t count for anything except to give me a second test score. That’s easier said than done, my desire is to ace the test just to show myself that I really have been able to get this math stuff.

With a few days off this week, I plan on getting a few projects finished before next Monday when I start my mini-mester. I haven’t taken a mini-mester before, but I’m looking forward to the intensity of a 15 week course squeezed into two weeks. I’ll then have one week off before I start my summer class in Government. Most students look forward to time off from school, but I love being there learning and interacting with everyone. Even though I plan my time off with projects to get finished here at home, I actually find it rather boring during the time I’m off. One of the projects I’m going to work on this week is to write essays for scholarship applications. I was given a web site to visit, fill out the required information and then wait for their reply, which only took a couple of minutes. After my short wait, I was sent a list of scholarship applications that I qualify for. Anyway, I’ve sent out a few this morning and will hope and pray that I get selected. Every bit of money will help me as I work toward my degree.

Keep me in prayer for this Friday’s test; I really want to do well on it.