Friday, July 07, 2006

One Science Course Finished, One to Go

Finals were yesterday and the grades should be posted sometime today. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for an A, but after yesterday's test...I might receive a B if I make less than a 73. I'm not sure what the Professor was attempting with this test, the way she worded a lot of the questions made it very difficult for everyone. I just took my time and eliminated the wrong answers and when it came to those questions I would call a "trick question", I just read carefully and then, if all else failed, quessed. I hate to just quess at a question, but it's better to take a chance than to leave one blank.

I'll check my grade later this afternoon, but in the meantime, I have a birthday cake to make for my granddaughter. She turned two on Wed. but the family party is on Sat.

Time to get my four mile walk in before I start baking and cleaning the house.

And the Grade is...

an A! Okay, I couldn't wait until this afternoon to check on my grade. Now I can finish my chores and cake decorating.

Monday, July 03, 2006

4th of July and Four Days Off

The original schedule for this semester included going to class today and then having tomorrow off for the 4th. However, my professor decided that we would have the day off to allow everyone, including her own family, a four day weekend. We'll make up for the time on Wed. and Thur. by having two full days instead of the half days that were scheduled. No one complained about the change of plans. I am taking advantage of the extra time off by getting lots of chores finished at a leisurely pace.

We have our lab test on Wed. and our lecture finals on Thur. The professor is planning on covering two chapters on Wed. so they will be added to the test. I have read both chapters and started studying the material I have with high hopes that I will make an A in this class. I didn't think there was any way for me to get an A with the two B's and two A's I have so far. I don't usually add up my scores to see what kind of grade I will get, but I did for this class. When I added up everything I have made so far and then allowing for a low A on the rest of my test scores, I actually have a possibility to make an A. I'm not stressing over any of this, especially when I reflect on the fact that this is an accelerated class with a lab... but, I still want an A.

I have a goal of getting my associates degree with a summa cum laude recognition; however, magna cum laude or cum laude are all recognized as outstanding accomplishments and I will be satisfied with any one of them. I understand the drive behind this goal, part of it is for my own satisfaction and part of it is to be a contradictory witness to the negative input my parents impressed upon us as kids. It took the first year of college to erase all of the old messages they put into my head (not good enough, not smart enough, not worth enough, etc.) and the next year to rebuild positive, validated messages. I have finally come to embrace the fact that God has equipped me with so much more than I ever thought possible and I want to use what He has given to me to bring glory to His name. So, while I work hard at my studies and in my service to Him, it really is all for Him. Christ is my fortress, my foundation, my strength, my peace, my countenence, and my everything. Without Him in my life, I would be lost.

Each step along this journey takes me further from the abuses I was subjected to as a child, with many of the effects carrying over into my adulthood. I thank God often for my husband who has supported me through these growing years, who supports me through my college trials and who continues to allow me to grow and heal at the pace I need.

The destination is my goal, but the journey is where I am learning and enjoying the life God has created for me.