Saturday, May 01, 2004

I finally did it, I went back to college! Friday was the last day for this semester and I now have four weeks before my summer semester starts. This has been an amazing journey, one that took a lot of growing and stepping out in faith to do. Let me start from the beginning.

About 20 years ago I felt the Lord drop the idea of going back to school into my heart. At that time my family lived in Mo. and our two sons were only four and five years old. There was no way I wanted to pursue something such as going back to school with a family to take care of. So, I busied myself with what I can reflect back and see as preparations for my eventual return to school.

I have always been a teacher, I just never thought of myself as one until much later in life. I started teaching Sunday School in our church in Mo. at the young age of 21. Our church was new and not very large at the time so I had a combined class of kindergarten and First graders. Teaching in church is a really great way to grow spiritually and give back what the Lord had equipped me with. I have always been artistic and very creative, both of these were useful in class. Especially, when there wasn't much money in the church for supplies. That didn't hold my class back, I just improvised with whatever I could find. Our bulletin board for the first two years was made from a piece of cardboard cut from a refrigerator box and covered with butcher paper. Nothing held us back from learning what the Bible lessons were, and the class grew. This class was an open door into mentoring a dear friend as she came back to the Lord and served as my class helper. In time, she felt comfortable to substitute for me when I was on vacation. Through all of this time, I discovered that I had a gift. Teaching and giving encouragement to others are two gifts the Lord has given to me.

I couldn't get enough of teaching during this time and so we took on 12 First and Second graders through Cub Scouts. Our troop earned all of their badges, not just the minimum required and they had fun doing it! By this time, I realized that it was really easy, even with lots of work, to teach children. I forgot to mention, during all of this time I also had an in home infant care. I watched babies from the age of four weeks up to age three when they moved on to the church pre-school program. I did that for six years and loved every minute of it!

This all took place during a period of seven years while we lived in MO. Our next move brought us to TX where we have lived for 15 years. Moving to TX was like the spiritual symbolism of crossing over the Jordan River (Red River) into Canaan Land (TX). This has been a time of great spiritual growth, which also led to emotional healing for myself. The opportunities I had to grow up and learn more of the Bible while I lived and taught in MO prepared me for the next step of growth. It was now the right time for the Lord to fully restore me from my childhood years of trauma and abuse. It hasn't always been easy, but my God is able to deliver and He has walked with me along the way. It has taken the first 14 years to bring me along this path before I was ready to take this faithful step and pursue the desire of my heart.

And so my journey down the academic path has begun. My prayer for this journal is that others will be encouraged and blessed as they see how God is able to do all things and with Him we are more the conquerors. If God has planted a seed of hope in your heart and you aren't sure if it will ever come to pass, don't lose faith. In Ecc. 8:5,6 we read; "Whoever obeys His command will come to no harm, and the wise heart will know the proper time and procedure. For there is a proper time and procedure for every matter..."