Tuesday, August 24, 2004

27 years ago today my life changed for the better as I married my soul-mate, best guy-friend, lover, promoter, helper, protector and provider. Michael has been all that I expected and more for a husband. He has allowed me to grow at my own pace; allowed me to stretch my wings and experience independence and along these paths he has always supported me with encouragement as he believes I can do anything I set my mind to do. I am a blessed woman and so thankful for my husband whom God has given to me. Each year has it's new discoveries and experiences, but always the love grows deeper.

Happy Anniversary Michael, I love you!

Monday, August 23, 2004

Hello everyone! I hope your summer has been fun, mine has. I just got home late last night from my visit to see my brother and his family in Oregon. I have a wonderful neighbor who works for Southwest and she has given me passes to fly anywhere Southwest goes to. However, flying from Dallas means that I have to first fly to New Mexico before I can fly on to Portland. That is the least amount of stops I make if I’m lucky. I’m also flying standby which can be a challenge when the seats are overbooked as they were going both ways on this visit. I just allowed my faith to grow and trust that I would get onto each plane without having to reroute my trip or have to wait for the next flight and then reschedule the rest of each leg of the trip. It can be nerve racking but I’ve learned to go with the challenge and see it as God opportunities as I encounter a variety of people from all over the country. I’m always amazed each time as I become aware of the conversations and the opportunity to minister to those around me.

My visits to Oregon are always good; busy but very productive. I took the kids to a local farm to pick peaches and apples after we made a grocery shopping trip with our menu list for the week. I do all of the cooking when I visit as a way to help give them a break from their busy work schedules. The plan was to make jams, pies, and whatever else we had time to do. I was able to give my niece April, some cooking lessons. She learned how to use a paring knife and helped peel peaches and apples. We let her mom know about the lesson, but it was best that her mom wasn’t there to watch her baby using a knife. I managed to get pies, cobblers and apple crisp in the freezer along with making strawberry syrup and a few jams, apple sauce and a couple of casseroles to enjoy later. I was able to prepare a few pie fixings with written instructions on how to use and make a few more pies. This trip allowed me to visit the state without packing my long-johns as I have had to do on my other visits. Oregon actually has blue skies like we do. I’m use to being there when it’s raining all of the time and cold. They haven’t had rain for awhile and so everything was brown, but the temperatures where pleasant enough for shorts and the evenings cooled down quite a bit. My brother took a day off from work so that we could visit a winery where we were able to taste a variety of locally grown and made wines. I came home with four bottles! Two are for my neighbor as he was so appreciative of her giving me a ticket to visit and two for me. I like my wines on the sweet side and discovered a white and a red that I really liked. After the winery (tasting at 10am in the morning!) we went on to a state park to hike. My brother and I could have gone for another five miles on top of the five we did, but the kids couldn’t go any further and we hadn’t packed food. I love having the opportunity to visit, it isn’t a vacation but I feel good about the time I spend with all of them.

I’ve spent the day resting from my trip so that I can get busy and finish working on my projects around here before classes start next week. When I was looking over my calendar today I realized next Monday I’ll be in classes. I’m excited about starting back up again but not today…I’ve been tired all day and will have to get back onto my regular time before I can think about any more adventures. Visiting is good, but I’m always happy to come home to my own routines and my husband!