Thursday, December 22, 2005

Christmas Break 2005

The last day for classes was on Wednesday 14th and I actually had to take two mandatory finals even though I had an A in both classes. The way I look at finals is with an attitude that it is just another test, cumulative maybe, but just another test. Grades were finally posted on Friday and I still have a 4.0 GPA. I am praying this will help me with scholarship money after I transfer to University. With one more year at the Community College (25 hrs) before I graduate with my Associate of Art’s degree, I finally finished filling out my application to transfer. I was putting it off until after I finished College Algebra, with my fingers crossed for an A. I did not want algebra spoiling my GPA on my transcripts and should not have worried about the grade. Anyway, I now have to start thinking about preparations for transferring, writing a few essays for scholarships, and whatever else I will need to do before I actually move to the next leg of this journey.

I did not plan on decorating my house or setting up the Christmas tree this year. This was a long semester and I was simply too exhausted to think about the time involved with dragging everything out and putting it up and then turning around in a couple of weeks and taking it all back down. However, we took Kayleigh to Six Flags Holiday in the Park last Friday and that revived my spirits and got me into the mood. So, I got the house ready for Christmas on Saturday and am glad I did, it looks great. I am used to making the most of my time because of my school schedule and am amazed by how much I get done while I am home during a break. I ended up baking holiday goodies and after covering the dining room table and filling up every Christmas platter and container, I had to call Mike to see if he would like to take a huge tray of assorted goodies into work. He sent a message today saying that everyone enjoyed the platter and asked for the recipes.

Between baking and cleaning, I have been sewing. My creative side finds itself on the back burner during the semesters I am in a math class. When I finally finish the class, I am overwhelmed with creative ideas and tend to go on overdrive with inspiration to create or decorate. Since I am not limited to sewing or baking, I have to force myself to go slowly, finish one idea at a time before I move on to another. The balance to all of the creativity going on is the need to organize, simplify, and clean. I think another word for this is, control. Yes, I still have control issues, but they are issues about me and not an issue of controlling others. In the middle of everything, I will have to force myself to rest and relax before I start the next semester.

It is good to have four weeks off between semesters this year. Thank you once again for your prayers; they make a difference as I continue to press on in my pursuit of education. I know that I found myself repeating, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” especially during this semester with college algebra. I am looking forward to what next year brings. Mike and I go camping during the New Year holiday as part of our spiritual retreat. I like to seek the Lord and listen to His message as He speaks to my spirit concerning the New Year. Hope everyone enjoys celebrating Christmas this year and looks forward to a blessed New Year.