Sunday, March 27, 2005

Taking a Necessary Break

Sometimes I have to take breaks from school just to keep everything in perspective and not get burned out, and this weekend was a great break from school work! Justin and Michelle’s fourth anniversary was on Thursday 24th, but they weren’t really able to celebrate it until Friday and Saturday due to work schedules and such. They shared Kayleigh with us for her first overnighter with us and she was the perfect baby as usual. She sleeps really well through the night and didn’t wake up until 7:45am, with smiles. Kayleigh likes her routines just as much as I do and so we try to do everything with her like her parents do. I’m glad we all live so close to one another and have such a blessed relationship. I can hardly wait until we take her on camping trips and discover nature in all of its glory as we hunt for treasures.

As for school:
I love British Literature. Reading from the Romantic Period to the 20th Century has really allowed me to have a clear picture of what happens to humanity when they turn from God, the results are a decline in mores with an increase in debauchery.

Algebra is algebra; I’m learning how to do it but not always understanding what I’m doing. I’m still tutoring others four days a week and most of them are for algebra. I don’t think I’ll ever take for granted that I can help others understand it especially when the other students think I should teach it. But it’s the students who need help with their English papers that I really enjoy helping. There are days when I walk into the room early to work on my own school work but end up helping others who have come in specifically for my help. I always ask them up front, “how much help do they want?” I’m very detailed as I look over a paper and try to catch everything from the way they have it set up for MLA, vocabulary, sentence structure etc. I’m always surprised when each one wants me to mark up as much as I find wrong. The best part is when they come back with paper in hand and a smile on their faces to show me the grade they received.

Lastly, my introduction to computer science class. I have learned more about the computer than I thought would ever be necessary. I’m one of those who think as long as a car has four wheels, is filled with gas and can get me from one point to the next, then that is all I’m concerned about. That was the same attitude I had about the computer, as long as I can do what I need it to do, then that is all I needed to know about it. There are times as I type up each chapter outline that I find myself saying, “who cares what this part is called or how that part works!?” However, for the most part I feel better informed about computers and what I would be looking for if I were to go out a buy one by myself. I have found that the best classes I have taken have had great professors who teach more than the subject, they teach outside of the box and I learn so much more applicable information that affects my own personal growth. This is one of those classes.

This past Friday was Good Friday but school was stilled scheduled. I decided, after much contemplation to skip it and enjoy a day home with my husband who had the day off as a holiday. I didn’t just skip all of my classes, two of them were cancelled. The other two were in session, but I sent a message to both professors asking if they minded if I skipped. I know that most students wouldn’t bother letting their professors know about not showing up, but I felt that as part of my integrity, I wanted to be responsible and let them know that I wasn’t going to be in class. Anyway, my husband and I decided to get two pallets of St. Augustine sod to redo part of the backyard and to get the front yard started with it. Needless to say, we are both quite sore from the workout. The timing was perfect as the day was just right, not too hot, sunny or windy to be working outside for so long and then it rained all night and all day Saturday. Hopefully, I’ll have a lush green yard this year that will choke out any possible weeds from sprouting through. Now, I'm ready to get back to school after feeling like I have truely had a spring break, even if it were only for three days.