Thursday, August 10, 2006

Core Complete!

Finally, I finished my last science course and am now core complete and am considered to be a junior in college. However, I don't really think it makes much difference except that I get to take whatever classes I need to finish my major.

I sat down and looked over my degree plan and realized that I forgot to figure into the expected graduation date with my student teaching. If I feel comfortable with taking 15-18 hours per semester, I could still graduate in the Spring of '08. Part of me says there is no way I can do more than 12-13 hrs per semester, but then there is another part that says I could do more. I should know how comfortable I am with 12 hours after I complete my first semester at University. In the meantime, I'm taking the pressure off and will plan for graduation in the fall of '08.

My two weeks between semesters are already filled.
  • I'll be helping Michelle finish with the little details of getting their house in order after their move. One of the ways to help is to keep Kayleigh for a few more days so that Michelle can rest in preparations for the birth of William. We'll also get a few more meals prepared and into the freezer.
  • I decided to tutor again in the fall and this means that I have to complete 6.5 more hours of online training. I have until the end of next spring, but if you know me, I'd rather do it earlier rather than drag it out.
  • I have my books for the fall semester and that means I'll be getting as much reading as I can before classes begin. Better to be prepared than feeling overwhelmed by the reading load I will have.

Two weeks off isn't much time, but I did get out today to do some shopping. During a semester I shop like a guy with my list in hand, in and out and then back to my books. Today was leasurely, I enjoyed myself and got some really great bargains. I plan on making a visit to Victoria's Secret tomorrow before I go to Michelle's.

I almost forgot to mention my grade, I received another A. I just hope I can keep my track record up after I transfer. The goal of Summa Cum Laude is calling my name and I like the challenge.