Sunday, June 13, 2004

There is no cramming for a math test; my brain can only handle so much! This has become obvious when I have been dreaming for the past three nights that I'm doing algebra problems, even waking from taking a short nap dreaming about math problems. I finally finished 12 pages of homework which is intended to be our review and prep for the next test on Tuesday.

I am thankful for a husband who has been able to help me with most of this assignment, and where he didn't remember how to work the problems, Justin, my youngest son has helped. What a blessing to be able to call him up and ask him to explain the workings of a problem. When he realized that it would be easier for me to get the concept by actually seeing how it was worked out, he took some time out of his Saturday to come over and walk me through it. I’m not sure if he realizes it, but he would make a really great teacher. He understands that I’m visual and needed to see how each step is done, not just the short cuts. He definitely inherited his mathematical abilities from his dad’s side!

I can remember when Justin was in middle-school and sitting across the dinner table quietly contemplating some equation (none of us even realizing we had produced a mathematical problem). However, within a few seconds as the dinner conversation continued, Justin proceeded to announce the mathematical solution. Everyone sat there looking at him and then at one another before we even realized what he had just done. I sat there and realized that my son had passed me by where it came to the field of math. I looked at him and the only thought that came to mind was thinking he was like a calculator, a walking, breathing calculator!

Being surrounded and supported by a few family members (my dear DIL, Michelle included) who are brilliant in the math field has helped my confidence to grow in this area. I just wished I had a few of their math genes, but then again if I did, I may not have other areas of talents and creativity to shine in. Maybe, I’ll just get through algebra, get the grade and then I won’t have to think about it too much afterwards. After all, this isn’t the area I’m going into. That is what I keep reminding myself. If you think about it, keep me in prayers to be able to comprehend and apply everything I'm learning in this class.
love and blessings!