Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Registered for Spring

I woke up at 2:30 this morning wondering if I should get out of my warm bed to log online and register for my classes…I didn’t. Kayleigh is great about sharing everything, including her colds, and I started feeling yucky Wednesday evening. Needless to say, I just didn’t feel well enough to get out of bed; and consequently, I couldn’t fall back to sleep. I kept thinking about the classes I wanted and was worried I wouldn’t get the ones that are on a rotation. When I finally got up and logged on just before 6am, the system was having problems and I couldn’t get in to register. I made dozens of attempts without any success. However, I could monitor the class availability and noticed the one class on spring rotations was no longer open. The combination of not feeling well and not getting to register before the class filled pushed me over the edge and I finally broke down and cried. By the time the system was fixed and I got in, it was 4 pm. Thankfully, I had already worked out a tentative class schedule for the duration of my time at the University. This allowed me to swap the classes on spring rotations. So, I switched one class for the spring of ’08 with the one class I wanted for this next spring. It’ll probably all work out to be in my best interest. I have to look at this incident as a reminder that I can’t always be in control. I have to place my trust in the fact that God is the one in control of my life, and then I must trust Him to work everything for good.

The spring semester will be busier than I am accustomed to since I will be taking 15 hours. On Monday’s, I will be in classes from 8 a.m. until 8 p.m., and I am not looking forward to having such a long day. The Monday evening class only meets once a week and my Friday class only meets eight times during the semester. I’ll have a sewing and a cooking with a lab class that should be easy for me to breeze through. I do have three reading-intensive classes, but with my other classes, I should find a balance. With all of my classes on M-W-F, I will have Tuesday and Thursday each week to focus on homework assignments. I hope that I will be able to have the weekend’s to recuperate before I hit the door running every Monday.

Despite the frustration of registering today, I did manage to get some baking done for Thanksgiving. I made orange-cranberry sauce, an apple pie, cranberry-date bars, and doubled eggs (Justin renamed deviled eggs when he was 3), but the dressing will have to wait until tomorrow morning. While I am in school, I have happily relinquished hosting Thanksgiving dinner to who ever volunteers. Since Justin and Michelle bought a bigger house with two eating areas, they are hosting Thanksgiving this year. :-)

I am thankful for so much: God has blessed me with many abilities and I am thankful for family and friends who continue to support my academic endeavors.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!