Thursday, November 24, 2005

Thanksgiving Day 2005

I had class everyday this week with a test on Monday and Tuesday. I now have two days off plus the weekend. You would think I was looking forward to four days with no school, but I have to study for a huge algebra test on Monday and write a paper that is due on Wednesday. Mike and I were sick most of last week and consequently we did not get much accomplished. I am tired this semester and am looking forward to the end of it, especially algebra. With my brother coming for four days, I decided last week that I was not going to host or cook a huge Thanksgiving meal. I love having my family gathered around the table; however, I have cooked the meal with all of the trimmings almost every time for twenty-eight years. The family will get together tomorrow evening after my brother’s plane gets in and we will have homemade turkey and noodles, but that is a doable task…tomorrow, not today.

In the past I would have felt guilty for not hosting the dinner, but being in school year round has changed some of my priorities and cooking big meals moved down several notches. The way I see it, this is a season, and it will not last for many more years. It amazes me every time I do something different from the norm, I realize the sun continues to set in the west and rise in the east. The other thing I noticed is how much pressure is lifted from me shoulders, I can breathe normally, and I get through my day without feeling stressed.

My house is spic and span clean, I did a couple loads of clothes, clipped the dog’s nails and got Mike to bathe him, made cookies, pralines, and put a turkey in the oven. Now, I can focus on doing my algebra review and hope that I retain this chapter on logarithms.

Hope everyone is having a wonderful Thanksgiving Day filled with love and taking time out for relaxation.