Saturday, June 03, 2006


When it comes to taking a test, I do not experience anxiety, not even with finals. However, what I have come to realize about particular tests, the THEA for example, is the fear of failure. I have all kinds of what-ifs going through my mind, what if I fail, especially now after two years of college? I am not sure what exactly is going on inside my head, but when I sat down to take the test, the fear simply went away. Besides, if I did fail any or even all of the test, I would have the rest of this year to retake it as many times necessary.

I guess the biggest reason I was not looking forward to taking the THEA, was knowing that the scores will go into my school records. It does not seem logical to care about this, not with a 4.0 GPA, but for some reason I just did not want to take this test. I did have to talk myself into going and not excuse myself to wait until my scheduled appointment on the 23rd. I got there early and signed in for stand-by status, which was not necessary, as there were at least six people who did not show up. The test started at 9am and it took me the allotted five hours.

Now I am wondering what all the fuss was about (talking about myself), it was not difficult. The math portion surprised me; there were only 3 problems I wasn’t sure about. I ended up plugging in the possible answers and working them out to come up with what I hope is the correct answer. I worked through every problem (almost 200) before I started writing my essay. Let me say first off, I am used to writing on a computer. I had even asked if I would be able to write the essay with a pen, but no, the whole test had to be completed with a #2 pencil. I managed to get two full single-spaced pages finished, but not to my satisfaction. I could have used another 30 minutes to get it finished. However, I am not going to stress over this part of the test, I know I can write good essays.

I did find out that it does not take three weeks for the results; it should only take 10 days. It will be interesting to see what the results are, especially in comparison to my scores from two years ago. I took the COMPASS test, which is taken on a computer with immediate test scores. If I were to compare the two tests, I would conclude that the COMPASS is more difficult than the THEA. The first test allows you to miss only a few problems before it concludes that portion of the test. You might know how to work all of the geometry section, but if you missed the allotted number in the algebra section before you got to geometry, you do not have a chance to earn those points. The THEA provides approximately 66 questions/problems per section. Answering all of them increases the opportunity to earn a higher score, especially considering only 35 randomly selected questions/problems are counted.

My typical weekend chores are completed and I started reading in my Biology book to get ahead start for the first day of the first five week summer semester. This will be a course with lots of reading and memorization, but I really enjoy my science courses…after I separate my beliefs from what the books say about evolution. I may not be able to post much during these five weeks, but I will let you know if I passed the THEA with the scores I need to get into the teaching program.

Have a great summer! Hasta luego.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Last Week Before I Return to School

This is my last week of freedom before I start summer classes. I have been starting my day with a four-mile walk and before I return home I watch the sun come up. This is my favorite time to meditate on the Lord, thanking Him for a beautiful day before I bring my prayer request to Him.

Projects Finished:
I finished sewing several outfits for my granddaughter and DIL last week. Over the weekend, I put in a flagstone path in the back yard in preparations for the next stage of my big-picture landscaping plans. This area in the yard will include a larger pond and a potting shed. The area is shaded except for the path where the flagstones went in. Grass would not grow there, too much sun for the fescue and not enough for the Bermuda. My only other choice was to put in St. Augustine, but that would have to be removed later on as part of my plan. So, I decided to go ahead and put in the flagstone to take care of the bare strip that turns into a muddy mess when it rains. With my plans drawn up and the first step laid, I wanted to start digging up the pond. However, the calendar flashed in my mind’s eye reminding me that I only have this week left before I return to classes, I restrained myself and will wait for another long break before I attempt putting in a pond. As for the potting shed, I have the plans drawn for it, but this is a honey-do project. I can help, but I don’t have the knowledge to build a shed especially one with running water and electricity.

Last Chance to Study:
I have been reviewing my math with great hope and lots of prayer that I will do well on the THEA test (a specific score is required for the teaching program). I go up to the College tomorrow to put my name on the waiting list, maybe I’ll get to take it then. This is my preference since I’ll be in the midst of my Biology class later in the month. My back up plan is a scheduled appointment to take the test on June 23. I have taken 9 semester hours of developmental algebra plus 3 hrs of college algebra, earning an A for all these hours of math. Mixed in with the hours of algebra, I tutored other students for two semesters. However, I still do not feel comfortable with math and really do not feel ready to take this test. I have said that I like algebra…that was until yesterday when I started working on word problems. I hate word problems, I know they will not go away, but I still hate them! I’m definitely not going to add math to my degree plan, not when I get a headache and feel irritable after I have worked on it for a few hours.

Addendum: I wrote the above message yesterday, but the computer rebooted before I saved it and I thought I lost the whole message. Anyway, I was able to recover the message and will post it all with today's addendum.

Studying too Much!
You know you have been studying too much when you lose track of time…even days. I went to bed last night thinking it was Thursday. I woke up this morning and prayed about my upcoming test, which I thought was today, and then I got ready and left home at 8 am. I got to school and went to sign in, but the assistant seemed confused before she realized the test is on Friday. I responded with, “This is Friday, isn’t it?” I must have sounded convincing, she asked another woman what day this was. The positive side to this is that I have had all day today to study some more, adding to the "too much."

I’ve been at it since 9:00 am, took a one-hour lunch and nap break before I hit the books again. I decided to take another break after noticing the numbers all running together, an indication that my eyes are getting tired from looking at my books and all of those numbers. The good news: I’m getting it today and even enjoy working on the math section. It has helped to remember the advice I gave to the students I tutored, “it is all about the attitude.” Okay, so maybe I should try to be friends with math. Or, maybe I’ll just keep the positive attitude and settle for being acquainted with math, friends after all, would mean spending more time working problems and I just don’t want that kind of relationship.

Please keep me in your prayers for tomorrow's test, all five hours worth while sitting in refrigerator like temperatures. It takes about three weeks for the test results and I'll be sure to post whether or not I passed with the scores I need.