Monday, March 14, 2005

How Time Flies By

Finally, the first day of Spring Break! This doesn’t mean lying around at the beach or watching soaps and eating bon-bons all day. If you were to look at my day-timer you would see that I have scheduled my week with spring cleaning, organizing different areas around the house and getting ahead on my school assignments. I really wanted to get some sod for the front yard and change my grass from Bermuda to St. Augustine. I’ve had the hardest time getting the grass to get really thick so that it would keep out the weeds. There is enough shade along the front so that grass just won’t fill in. So, I figured that St. Augustine would be the best for the shadier areas, even though I don’t like the courser blades. However, we will need to use a sod cutter to get rid of the areas that are nice and thick before laying down new sod and that will take both of us working together which will mean this weekend. So, in the meantime…I’m doing what I can to get ahead.

I’ve been so busy with school this semester so that I don’t have much free time for myself. I’m in classes from 9am until 1pm. I then have just enough time to eat some lunch and maybe visit with a few other students before I go to work in the college Learning Center (where tutoring takes place). I love tutoring and it gets even more fulfilling as the students come back to report the grade they received on the paper we worked on together. With the busy schedule, I am managing to keep up with my grades. So far, I’m getting A’s in all of my classes. I was a little worried about my computer lab class after taking a practice test while running a fever and only getting a 50 on it. However, when the time came to take the real test, I received an A and actually enjoyed taking the test. I have been working ahead and in fact just finished my last lab assignment for the semester. Technically, this means I only have to show up to take the next two tests. I’ll take advantage of my free-time to practice on Excel. I worked on Excel during the week I ran a fever and hated it. I’m not sure why I didn’t enjoy this part of learning the different programs, but I think it has something to do with the slowness of using it. One little mistake when entering a number can throw the whole outcome and mess up the finished assignment. I figure that I need to just do an extra assignment or two before I take the test over it and I’ll talk myself into liking it enough to have a good attitude about Excel, but after this…I’ll let Mike deal with Excel for our home use. Just give me Word and PowerPoint any day!

With each new semester flying by, I decided that I need to up how many classes I am taking if I want to graduate in a timely manner. I signed up for a May-‘mester this time. It is a three week, five days a week, four hours per day class and I’m taking Sociology. I really like Sociology and Psychology and figured that it is better to take classes I really like when they are crammed into such intense, short semesters. I have two Government classes for the summer semester. I’m not sure how I feel about Government, but I have discovered that once I am introduced to a new topic/subject I give it 100% and then want more. Each semester gets me closer to my associates of Education degree (new this year) and then I can transfer to finish my teaching degree.

Family News: Kayleigh (granddaughter) is standing up by herself and is so close to taking that first step. You can see her quiver with the desire to step out, but not yet. With the weather warming up, we spend as much time outside with her. I think she enjoys it as much as I do, especially swinging or going for walks. Kayleigh is such a joy to be with, so good natured and a little Miss. Social Butterfly as she has charmed our neighbors. No one can resist her, she is so adorable! Everyone else is doing well, but you know how it goes when there are grandbabies to report on.