Saturday, March 04, 2006

A Budding Artist

Spring is here early this year and it was a nice morning to get outside and enjoy it. Kayleigh is growing up so quickly, her vocabulary included. I’m glad she likes to be outside with me. I decided it was time to introduce her to sidewalk chalk. I showed her what to do with them and she understood the concept as “colors.” I drew yellow bananas, pink strawberries, and purple grapes. Kayleigh copied in an abstract way, but we knew what they were.

Mike and I quickly used our phone cameras and captured the artist in progress with her first masterpiece. Pollock may have left cigarette butts and pieces of his sandwiches in his art…but Kayleigh put herself onto her artwork, which means her art got all over her. Thankfully, her mama doesn’t mind when she gets dirty or in this case, chalky.