Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Spring Semester 2005

I can’t believe this is my first opportunity this semester to write on my blog. My classes are going well, but I’m busier than before. I am taking 10 hours, take notes in two classes for the teachers (make copies for them), tutor 12 hours a week in the learning center and have lots of homework. I was figuring out how much time I spend on school related stuff. On M-W-F, I spend almost 12 hours! On Tuesday and Thursdays I spend about 5-6 hours. I can understand why students say they have no life outside of school! I’m not complaining about any of this, I love being in school.

I need to expound on my tutoring job. My algebra teacher suggested last semester that I get involved with tutoring as a way to help others and at the same time reinforcing it for myself. I laughed it off, algebra is not my passion. On my first day in the learning center to work on my algebra homework, the head of the department and I were talking about the need for an English tutor. She said she would think about the need and then called me at 7:30 am the next day to offer the position to me. For the first week I tutored algebra! I laugh every time I think about tutoring algebra, I can only help with pre-algebra, beginning algebra and up to the chapter I’m working on in Intermediate algebra. It is satisfying to hear from several students who come in to sit at my table for help tell me that I make a good teacher. I had no doubts before about teaching, but it really confirms my calling to hear it from others. On Friday last week and yesterday I finally got to help with English. Again, both students said I was so helpful and wanted to know what class I taught. Being a non-traditional student puts me in that unique position, not an official teacher, but more than just a student. Needless to say, I love the process I am experiencing as I continue my journey.

In preparations for graduation next year, I need to take a Women’s Studies course if I want to transfer to the University core complete. The college I’m at list the class in the catalogue, but it hasn’t been offered for a long time. Anyway, I talked to the Government Teacher and she said she would be willing to teach the class. After she talked to the Dean, the tentative plan is to offer it word of mouth for the fall semester in hopes there would be enough to sign up for it, if not, then it would be in the spring catalogue. It may be an interesting class to take (called Women in Politics), but not one I would seek to take on my own. I may have to talk to myself about taking this class like I have while taking algebra (I have to take it to get my degree). Since I have been taking classes year round, I hope to be able to graduate at the end of the spring semester next year. I’m excited about the final steps of my degree; it is the last step to take before I can be in a classroom teaching students of my own.
I may not be writing as much this semester due to the many hours consumed by school related activities, but I’ll try to keep everyone up to date as often as I can.