Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Finals are Over!

I made it through a whole year of college! Our grades are in, but the system to check them on-line is down. Here is what I know for sure: I have an A in algebra and in English. The grade I’m not sure about is for speech. The speeches and tests weren’t hard, but that won’t really be the determining factor for this class as I have alluded to in my last posting. I can only hope for the best and remind myself that I made my stand based on principle at the risk of my grade and that is more important than a letter grade, right? I’ll keep telling myself this, it’s still difficult to accept anything less than an A when I did the work.

We finally got the house decorated and the tree up! I love decorating my house for Christmas, but this year was my first to be in college at the same time. I seriously considered not putting the tree up. Michael decided that “we” (he never really did anything before except put the tree in its stand) needed to do it all for Kayleigh’s first Christmas. So, while the kids have grown up and moved out, we will somehow find the time to put up the tree and decorate the house for the grandchildren. It’s going to work out to our advantage anyway since I wanted to pose Justin, Michelle and Kayleigh for their first family portrait in front of the tree. I'll post a picture after we get them finished.

Okay, so now I have four weeks off before the spring semester starts and I have a semi-long list of projects I want to tackle and hopefully conquer before my life is consumed again with studies. Thank you everyone for supporting me throughout this year, you have made a difference in my life.

Have a very Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year!
Love to all