Friday, December 29, 2006

Another Year Almost Complete

It’s hard to believe this year is almost over. I’m sure that my busy school schedule helps to make it feel that time has gone by quicker than usual. However, there is a difference between time flying by and getting little or nothing accomplished, and time flying by, but getting a lot accomplished. This is one of those years where I can say that a lot has been accomplished.

I finished my Associates degree with Summa Cum Laude honors, and five hours came from TWU transferred hours. My transfer to TWU went smoother than I expected especially the drive and parking issues. I felt at home in each class, after my first three weeks. My personality requires organization to function well, and I do whatever it takes to create it where ever I am. My English minor is finished and I begin working on my content in January.

Mike and I joined the local health and fitness center. I signed up to work with a trainer twice a month. I really don’t like working out in a gym; however, my schedule for the spring semester is going to make it difficult to walk everyday and I hate walking when it’s dark (before or after classes). We don’t have room or the equipment to get a good weight-lifting workout, and I love to lift weights. It is easy to build muscle and with more muscle, it is easier to keep my weight under control. I don’t want to look like the typical teacher when I start teaching with the rear-end spread. Unfortunately, sitting for many hours at school and then again at home creates weight issues and lost of muscle-tone. I’m going to the gym 5-6 days while I’m home from school. Hopefully, this will give me a jumpstart on my fitness routine. It’ll also help me lose a few pounds and gain some muscles before I head back to classes. I’ll need the muscles, and the strength that goes with them, just to carry all of my books for the semester.

I followed through on an ethical dilemma that was brought to my attention during my education course. After talking a local police officer, I found out that I wouldn’t have to do anything else. The officer filled out a report, asked me a lot of questions and said she would get back with me after she talked to her supervisor. When I hung up, it felt like a ton of bricks were lifted off my shoulders. The situation deals with the abuse I was exposed to as a child. It has taken me 18 months of counseling, almost 3 years of college, and time to get to this place in my life. I have no desire to press charges and certainly don’t want my perpetrators prosecuted; however, reporting the abuse to someone in authority left me feeling empowered.

My personal growth goes hand-in-hand with my spiritual growth. I understand that God equips the called, but even then, He desires for us to rely on Him. During my first 2 years at community college, I relied on Him for everything. My emotional state was still fragile from the post traumatic experience I suffered during the summer of 2003. Going to college after graduating from high school 25 years earlier was difficult. I didn’t know if I was smart enough, but God reminded me of everything I had accomplished up to the point, and He wasn’t finished with me yet. He made sure that I had teachers that would see my potential and encourage me to do more than status quo, but they did it without pushing me over the edge. With each course finished at the top of the class, my confidence grew. By the middle of my first semester, I understood that God had called me to the mission fields, and my mission field at this time is college. There are many advantages to being a “non-traditional” student: I can minister to students, professors, and the staff members I come in contact with. By my second semester, I was tutoring students from all walks of life. I especially enjoy working with students from other countries. I began to really understand how God has prepared me my whole life to enter into the world of teaching. As each semester goes by, I am encouraged as I understand my part of the picture scheme of things. I have the title to the first book I want to write and the content of what will be in this book. I know that it will include my testimony of where I have come from to where I am now, but I want the book to be inspirational. I want to say to others that they can overcome anything when they choose to do so and allow God to rule in their lives.

With this year coming to an end, I'm looking forward to the new year and all that God has planned for me and my family. Join me as I continue my journey.