Tuesday, May 11, 2004

I have been checking off one item at a time on my "To-Do" list and realized that I may finish everything before my summer classes start. So, I sent out a message asking for a prefered reading list and my DF (dear friend) Betsy sent her list (from Brit Lit I a class she teaches). It'll keep me busy for awhile! I'm all for pro-active learning and decided to see what I could find while I waited for a reply for my request. I found several books online to start with, check this site out (http://www.literature.org/authors/). I could find most of the suggested books from the list Betsy sent on other sites. It's different reading a book online, you can't curl up on the sofa or take it with you to read in bed. However, I don't have to find space in my many bookshelves that are already running over, if I were to purchase these books. I could just go to the Library and check them out, but then there is the time issue and having to take them back and the possibility they don't have one or more of the books. I started reading a couple of poems of the listed authors and they are in Old English, yuk! Everything endeth with a lisp or so it seems if you try to read them out loud. One site even has recordings where you actually hear a narrator reading with an English accent. Somehow, the readings sound better with the correct accent. If you haven't looked for an online book to read, give it a try.
love you!