Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Scholarship News

I just received word that the original two-year transfer student scholarship I received is now a Phi Theta Kappa scholarship. The money is the same, but this one is renewable for three years (technically, this means more money). Originally, I thought I would get my bachelors degree and then work on my masters while I was teaching. However, with this change in my scholarship, it may help influence my decision to just stay in school and get my masters degree.

Some money is better than no money at all, but it sure would have been exciting if this last letter announced a full ride to finish my degree. Of course, there still is that possibility for additional scholarship money once I have enrolled.

There are only five more weeks in this semester. It is hard to believe that I have two remaining classes to take this summer and then…I transfer to TWU. I have orientation in June and will then be able to sign up for my fall schedule. When I think about taking a full 12 hours (or more) per semester, I begin to feel a little anxious. I have been taking up to 10 hours per semester in addition to tutoring 12 hours per week. When I remind myself of this, I know I can take more classes and do well in them. It really is a good thing that I am too busy to spend much time on thinking outside of doing my schoolwork and keeping up with everyday stuff.