Monday, October 30, 2006

A Major Change: Making it Official

Well, it’s official, I have changed my major…again. Had I known about Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS) when I first started college, I would have pursued it from the beginning. I hadn’t heard anyone talk about this major and I wouldn’t have known that it was Home Economics of my era, not with the name change. No matter, I looked into the plan and realized that it was custom made for me. I’ll be able to bring a lifetime of experience into this area and teach practical life-skills to students in 6th-12th grade. I’m really excited about starting the course work next semester, but I’m not too excited about taking 15 hours each semester. I am going to hold onto what I already know will be easily applied toward each class, making the workload not so overwhelming.

A couple of people aren’t as excited about my change in major. Part of their reasoning is concern for future job availability. I have looked into this, called 8 school districts, and talked to the advisor for the program. The information I have collected support job security inside the school system and outside of the school system. For those who know me well, they completely support my decision acknowledging the same conclusion I stated; a degree in FCS is a perfect match for my gifts and talents.

As for my 18 hours of English classes, they will be my second minor. The English advisor will sign the required documentations at the end of this semester. It feels good to have taken so much literature and earn recognition for what I have learned. I won’t close the door on taking more literature courses, but I’ll have to get through the 80 hours of FCS first.

Other changes that took place this past week:
My honor cords, tassel, and sash for Phi Theta Kappa came in. On Thursday, I purchased my cap and gown from NCTC and will graduate December 15 with an AA. One degree down, and one more to finish…I’m almost there.