Thursday, August 11, 2005

Summer Break

Finally, I get the next 17 days off for my summer break! It doesn’t seem like I have had any summer this year with the non-stop classes I have taken since January. While I’m looking forward to some time off, I really enjoy being in school. The benefit of year-round schooling is the relationship I have built with professors, students and the college staff. Of course the other benefit is staying on top of the learning process. It has been three months since I finished my last class of algebra and I already feel that I have lost all of the information, so I’ll pull out my old book and start reviewing over these next couple of weeks. But, not this week…I’m going to force myself to take a break from school related studies and just read for pleasure.

I’ve been reading the Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis (my mental diversion from school books). The movie is due to come out in December and I wanted to read it before I see it. Everything I have read about the movie leads me to believe that Disney is going to stay true to the spirit of the original book. I hope the movie is as successful as The Lord of the Rings Trilogy. If I get the opportunity to take a semester about C. S. Lewis, I’d do it in a heartbeat. I’m not sure if the University I’m transferring to will have that on their schedule and then I’m not sure how that would work with my biology degree, but I’d try to work it in. I think Lewis is interesting and has a wonderful testimony as can be read through out his career.

I am now officially a sophomore in College with a 4.0. I will have to carry 13 hours for my next two semesters and then take one class during the summer before I transfer next fall ’06. I thought I was going to be in community college for a lot longer than most, but it helped to go year round so that it will only be one full semester longer than two years since I started. When I consider this includes 12 hrs. of developmental studies, I have mixed emotions about it. One, if I didn’t have to take those classes I would be ready to transfer in the spring. On the other hand, taking those classes really helped me transition back into school and I have learned some valuable lessons about myself in the process. I remind myself on occasion that I’m not in a race to finish college, not when I have waited this long to get here. It must be the typical first born syndrome, always doing everything faster and better (some things) and just being first. I simply compete with myself. I’m not sure if that’s a good thing or not, at least I’m not competing against other students, siblings or anyone else. I use to fight this tendency, but have come to embrace the fact that God created me this way for a specific purpose. Maybe I’ll get to be involved in some newsworthy science related discovery.

Earlier this summer, I came across some information about Intelligent Design and didn’t know what it was about so I did quite a bit of research. Now, it’s everywhere in the news. Anyway, the more I have read about it and other science related information, the more I get a butterfly feeling of excitement about it all. I hope that by the time I have my teaching certificate, I’ll be one of the first to introduce ID into the school curriculum. In the meantime, I have created a folder on my computer to file away as much information as I can that is relevant to ID. I’m also printing off some information to keep in my science folder for school. You know, to have “both barrels loaded and cocked” kind of information just in case I need to take a stand against the typical, “we’ve evolved from the slimy pit” blinded type of information.

I have errands to run today, without time limits because of classes. I may just stop by the mall and do a little pleasure shopping for a change. ;-)