Wednesday, August 04, 2004

Yesterday was my last day of summer semester and it went by really quickly. Eight more hours to add to my college time! I like taking classes in the summer, just not math classes ;-) As for the classes that count towards my degree, I have maintained a 4.0 average (I got an 88 in pre-algebra, but it’s a developmental class and won’t count). I hope to be able to do the same with my classes this fall, but I’m not going to focus only on the grade. I simply love learning and being in class interacting with students and teachers. I have until Aug. 30th off to catch up on some sewing projects, take a vacation and just rest before fall semester starts. Resting might include a lot of reading. I’m finding that I’m reading so much more then I use to (a novel every 2-3 days). It’s interesting how I just can’t seem to learn fast enough and get the information stuffed into my brain.

I know that timing is everything and the time to be back in school now has been the perfect timing; however, I feel that I have just now awakened. That doesn’t mean that I wasn’t awake for the past 26 years, only that what I was doing during those years wasn’t challenging me to my fullest potential. I’m not suggesting that being a wife and mother isn’t challenging, but there are some things we all can do that just comes naturally. I suppose that these past 26 years gave me the time to live in peace, safety and the security that I needed to grow up and be able to face challenges again. I feel very blessed to have a husband who has allowed me the time to just grow up and now gives me the support I need as I continue on this journey through college.

Speaking of growing up: My eldest son, Jason turned 26 on Mon. It doesn’t feel like 26 years since he was born, but then again I don’t feel like a mother old enough to have a child that is 26! When I see pictures of his two sons, I can see bits of him and it transports me back in time when it was Jason in that scene as if it were only yesterday. Time has a way of flying by and while there have been times that were difficult, I have enjoyed every moment of it.