Tuesday, April 05, 2005

National Dean’s List

When I came home from school yesterday, I got the mail and received a letter of congratulations for making the National Dean’s list. It mentions in the letter that “this is an honor reserved for only ½ of 1% of our nation’s college students.” I showed this to Mike when he came home from work and he was pretty impressed. When I told him that he was married to someone recognized as intelligent, he responded by saying that he has known this for 28 years. I hope this recognition opens the door for scholarships and other opportunities.

I have invited a couple of students over for dinner tonight. Both of them are tutors at school. Since there are only three of us who tutor, I thought it would be nice to have fellowship outside of the lab and provide them with a home cooked meal (both are single). One is an international student, no local family and is really sweet, the other is local. Both are really smart in math and other related subjects. Between the three of us, we can cover just about all of the subjects at school. If this goes well, I would love to continue to invite young college students home. Who says you have to have an empty nest just because the kids grow up and move out? Besides, when they are smarter in math than I am, I want to keep them around at least until I finish all of my math courses.