Monday, October 23, 2006

Z is for a Zebra at the Zoo

The change in our temperatures brought out the animal is all of us; so, the family decided it would be a good day to go to the Fort Worth Zoo. This is Kayleigh and William’s first trip to the zoo. William was oblivious to the sights, sounds, and scents around him. He pretty much slept through the visit. Kayleigh on the other hand wanted to “see more animals.” With her two-year-old attention span in charge, we didn’t linger for long at any one exhibit. Consequently, we got through most of the zoo in just a few hours. Kayleigh’s memory is like an elephant. Next time you see her, ask what she saw at the zoo…alligators, bears, condors, dragon (komodo), elephants and down the alphabetical list, she’ll go.

Here are the women in the family: Ame with Kayleigh, Aunt Samantha with William (he's not a woman of course!), Michelle, and Granny.

And here are the men of the family: Abba, Justin with William, and Papa.