Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Something to do when I have a day off from school

Michelle put this list on her blog. You can learn a lot about a person from reading something like this. However, one must consider the questions or points that are being answered before taking it too seriously.

1. Five things I plan to do before I die:

  • a. First get my Bachelor’s Degree, then my Master’s and then…PhD (only because I love school so much!)
    b. Spend some time in the UK discovering the historical places related to British Literature (my major)
    c. Take the motorhome and travel throughout the original thirteen colonies; again relative to British history
  • d. Write a book, something deep and philosophical that will make an impact on those who read it e. Mentor a few more lives and influence them to serve the Lord with all their heart, soul, and mind
    f. Okay, this is six but I would love to take all of my grandkids on summer vacation for a week every year

2. Five things I can do:
  • a. Analyze literature and write...”love it, and want to major in it one day”
  • b. Lead and influence others
  • c. Set and achieve goals
  • d. Arts/crafts/sew-I have a wonderful imagination, mostly a blessing, sometimes a curse when I don’t have the time to create
  • e. Give of myself: my time, talents, encouragement and on algebra test days-bake for my classmates, it raises our test scores

3. Five things I cannot do:

  • a. Tolerate injustice
  • b. Crochet-that is why I haven’t asked for my crochet stuff Michelle, you have the patience for this
  • c. Sing in a choir
  • d. Sit down and have math just come to me, I have to work at it
  • e. Fix others, wish I could but only God can do this

4. Five things that attract me to the opposite sex:

  • a. Stability-sound reasoning, not easily swayed, dependable
  • b. Responsibility-is accountable for his word and actions
  • c. Confidence-in himself and in the Lord
  • d. Gentleness-strong leader, but uses gentle words and actions, builds up others instead of crushing the spirite.
  • e. Courteous- as in a “Gentlemen’s behavior”

5. Five things I say most often:

  • a. “This is college” as in, “grow up and take responsibility for your own learning.”
  • b. “Good job!” often spoken as an encouragement to students, professors and especially to Kayleigh for just about anything.
  • c. “I think I can, I think I can” said the little red engine when it comes to algebra (my version).
    d. “Stand fast and don’t be moved.”
  • e. “I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me.” again, another reference used to help get through algebra.

6. Five celebrity crushes:

  • a. Orlando Bloom-forget the fact that he is the same age as Justin, he is just nice to look at and there is his accent.
  • b. Sean Connery-he just gets better looking as he gets older and the accent…well, he could do all the talking, I’ll listen.
  • c. Gerard Butler-who could resist him as the “Phantom of the Opera” or “Attila the Hun” and then there is his Scottish accent.
  • d. Hugh Jackman-especially in Kate and Leopold. This guy is talented, he can sing, dance and is nice to look at, don’t forget his accent.
    e. Joel Osteen, not a crush in the traditional sense, I just think he is a wonderful example of what a man of God is all about

7. Five people I want to do this:

  • a. Kendra
  • b. Elizabeth
    c. Cori
    d. Dawn
    e. Sallie