Saturday, September 25, 2004

I am finding it really hard to slow down, both physically and mentally this semester. My internal clock has changed again. I go to bed between 10-11pm but get up between 4-5am. It's strange, because I feel rested and energized as I hit the floor on the run. I tend to get quite a bit of school work finished really early before I go outside to walk or ride four miles and all before my first class starts at 9am. Today, is different and I'm here at the computer forcing myself to slow down just for a short break until I need to pick up the pace again.

I just got home from packing up my father-in-law's mobile home and will fix lunch for everyone before going over to his new retirement apartment. It would have been great to have had more time to move him, but he sold his trailer during the week and closed on fri. and must be out by mon. However, the family is really releaved that he finally sold his trailer and is moving to the retirement village. He's been living by himself now for almost two years. Even though he is in really good health for someone who is 89 years old, he is slowing down and needs companionship. The retirement village has everything! He'll take his main meal in the main community center where they have a library, exercise room, barber shop, health care clinic as well as a game room, music and sunday services. His one bedroom apartment has a kitchen, a utility room, living and one bathroom. The bedroom and bathroom have a call chain to pull in case of an emergency which makes all of feel so much better. He is really looking forward to having the weekly cleaning service. This move should be his last and now puts him only about 10 minutes away from all of us. We still have some stuff to move out of his trailer, but most of it fit on the truck we rented. I'll have to go over to the apartment and unpack and organize everything after I clean it all. I didn't realize how bad he has let things go while living by himself. Mike has been the one to visit him while I've been busy with everything else. There will be a lot of things that need to be donated or have a garage sale to get rid of. He won't need most of his cooking and baking stuff so we'll scale everything down to the basics. We will need to purchase a large bookcase to fit all of the books he reads in. He really loves to read and it helps to keep his mind sharp. Thankfully, this weekend is going to beautiful with mid-80's for the temperatures.

Tomorrow, I'll hit the books to study for an algebra test over the whole chapter! I also have a speech test to study for and sometime before wed. I need to get my English paper organized and written.

More later when I have a little more time to breathe without hearing the clock ticking time away.