Friday, July 14, 2006

Atley's 3 Today

Today is Atley's birthday and we are planning to drive to Tyler as the half-way point to celebrate his birthday tomorrow. Since tomorrow is Grandpa's 91st birthday, and we have Kayleigh until Monday while her parents move into their new house, we will all go and spend a couple hours together. We're meeting at McDonald's and while it isn't my favorite place to eat at, it's too hot to do anything else and they have an indoor playground where the three cousins can play together for a while.

See you tomorrow Atley!

Sunday, July 09, 2006

"It's a Birthday Party"!

Kayleigh turned two on wednesday, the 5th of July. The family party was on Sat. She is a very blessed little girl to be surrounded by so many family members who love her unconditionally. Her Granny (maternal grandmother) and I (paternal grandmother) talked about how unusual it is in this day and age to have both sets of grandparents, a great-grandfather, aunts and uncles all living within a few minutes of her. Kayleigh won't be getting away with very much when so many of us are out and about town, she'll never know who she might run into. Who knows, but she might be one of my students when she gets to 8th grade or any of the high-school grades I might be teaching. Anyway, she is covered by many prayers and surrounded by love.

Kayleigh is extremely intelligent, she picks up new concepts very quickly and I could go on and on about all of her brilliant achievements, but I'll just say that everyone (not just proud grandparents) think she is gifted.

We'll keep Kayleigh during this weekend while her parents move into their new home. Hopefully, the next few weeks will go smoothly as Justin and Michelle get their house unpacked in time for William's arrival. I'll try to help them as much as I can after I finish with my class and homework.

Kayleigh isn't the only one who is blessed, Mike (Abba) and I (Ame) feel very blessed to have a wonderful relationship with our granddaughter, her parents and the extended family members who live nearby.