Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Childhood Discoveries in a Watering Can

I bought Kayleigh a child sized watering can that allows her to help in the gardens. She loves being outside and is learning about plants and bugs and butterflys and just about anything I am willing to teach her. I didn't capture the shot of her experiment with the watering can full of water and a patch of dirt. I watched her pour a small amount onto a small patch of exposed dirt in the butterfly garden. Kayleigh watched what happend when she poured water onto the dirt, she poured a little more and then on the third pouring she decided to mix it with her finger. She looked up at me and smiled and I could tell what was coming but decided to let her continue to experiment. Yes, you guessed it, dirt and water looks a lot like chocolate pudding and before I could say anything her finger covered in mud was in her mouth. I calmly said "yuck", and she came to me to get help to wash out the not so tasty mud-pudding. That was two weeks ago and she hasn't tried it again. I wonder what new experience she'll discover this weekend.
Grades are in for This Semester

Our grades were supposed to be posted online by Saturday, but I think someone forgot to turn on the link until Monday. I wasn’t anxious about my grades…well, maybe for my Spanish grade. I averaged the grades from three tests (92), didn’t figure in the lab grade, homework or quizzes and worked really hard on everything during the whole semester. I haven’t had Spanish before and even though I have lived in states where large populations speak it, I never really heard the language. It took about one week before I experienced an interesting revelation…I was actually hearing the language as if my ears or brain were able to identify and comprehend it for the first time. I really want to become fluent, especially since I plan on getting a minor in Spanish. Anyway, I did think the final test might be the determining factor for me getting a high B or low A. I don’t know my actual score on the finals, but I got an A for the class and that is what I worked for. So, I have maintained my 4.0 GPA.

I’m going to put my Spanish course into the same category of time consuming, brain cell draining status as College Algebra. I dedicate the appropriate time for studying in all of my classes, but thus far, these two courses have required the most time. Call me determined, but I was not about to back down to either challenge. This summer’s line-up is two Science classes (five weeks each). I have a feeling that Spanish and Algebra may not be the only two courses in this category.

I have faithfully stepped up my exercise routine and walk or bike four miles per day, five of the six days since my last day of school. I also added two days of lifting weights and added a couple new exercise DVD’s to my collection in case of rain. I feel better and have more energy when I exercise everyday. I’ve been able to sleep in for an extra 15 min. and still hit the road by 6am. I have to walk early here in Texas or it will be too hot, besides I tend to tan quickly and I don’t want to prematurely age my skin. This schedule allows me plenty of time to get lots accomplished with some room to relax and read for fun.

Now, to get started on the pile of maternity outfits for my DIL, Michelle who is due in August, a few sun dresses with hats for my only granddaughter and a throw for my study (in anticipation of those long winter days curled up in the chair reading, reading, reading.