Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Childhood Discoveries in a Watering Can

I bought Kayleigh a child sized watering can that allows her to help in the gardens. She loves being outside and is learning about plants and bugs and butterflys and just about anything I am willing to teach her. I didn't capture the shot of her experiment with the watering can full of water and a patch of dirt. I watched her pour a small amount onto a small patch of exposed dirt in the butterfly garden. Kayleigh watched what happend when she poured water onto the dirt, she poured a little more and then on the third pouring she decided to mix it with her finger. She looked up at me and smiled and I could tell what was coming but decided to let her continue to experiment. Yes, you guessed it, dirt and water looks a lot like chocolate pudding and before I could say anything her finger covered in mud was in her mouth. I calmly said "yuck", and she came to me to get help to wash out the not so tasty mud-pudding. That was two weeks ago and she hasn't tried it again. I wonder what new experience she'll discover this weekend.

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