Friday, July 07, 2006

One Science Course Finished, One to Go

Finals were yesterday and the grades should be posted sometime today. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for an A, but after yesterday's test...I might receive a B if I make less than a 73. I'm not sure what the Professor was attempting with this test, the way she worded a lot of the questions made it very difficult for everyone. I just took my time and eliminated the wrong answers and when it came to those questions I would call a "trick question", I just read carefully and then, if all else failed, quessed. I hate to just quess at a question, but it's better to take a chance than to leave one blank.

I'll check my grade later this afternoon, but in the meantime, I have a birthday cake to make for my granddaughter. She turned two on Wed. but the family party is on Sat.

Time to get my four mile walk in before I start baking and cleaning the house.

And the Grade is...

an A! Okay, I couldn't wait until this afternoon to check on my grade. Now I can finish my chores and cake decorating.

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