Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Two weeks to go…

Before I return to school for the spring semester. As of yesterday, I now have three of my four books needed for the new semester. This means I was able to get started on my reading. I like having a jump-start on the reading, as it is part of my time management skills. The biggest benefit is that it provides the time to learn something while I am in class rather than sitting there like a sponge that is just absorbing information.

The class I most look forward to is my American Literature class, especially after the semester break I had between literature classes. I was describing to Mike why I love literature and it has to do with the whole picture that evolves around literature, not just the authors and their writings. Literature is one of the means that puts history down on paper for others, like me, to read and relive the ideas of each era. However, I do not read only for the literal meaning of the words, I also read for the moral, allegorical, and anagogical meanings. I did not realize that I read this way, otherwise known as exegesis, until I started talking to one of the English Professors at school this past semester. It seems that I am always analyzing everything, which is what makes literature so interesting. There are more ways to read one piece of prose and this keeps it from ever becoming boring.

My Spanish class may be a challenge for me and I want to do well with it. Mike transferred a CD series onto my MP3 player. This allows me to listen and practice Spanish during the hour I walk each morning. I put the CD’s in my car to provide more opportunities to listen and practice. Since I need 18 hours of Spanish to earn a minor, more exposure to it will help me become more proficient. I have a feeling that once I become fluent in Spanish, I will want to learn another language as my passion for language is growing. It makes sense to learn Spanish while living in Texas, but I think there is a bigger purpose for learning multiple languages. What that bigger purpose is I do not know just yet. However, I want a certification for ESL (English as Second Language) and perhaps that is why I have been able to learn a few expressions in other languages so easily. Only God knows the bigger picture right now and all I can do is take the steps in the direction I feel led to go in.

The other class I have is History 1302 and I have started reading it. I like history, but it is harder to read without getting drowsy. I decided the best way to get through it is to set a timer and read as much as I can within an hour before I get up and tackle laundry or something that will keep me awake.

During these first two weeks off, I have accomplished everything on my first list and have started checking off projects from my second list. I may actually get to finish Kayleigh’s quilt before I return to school. This will be timely since she will be moving into a regular bed this year in time for the arrival of her new sibling. Michelle and Justin are expecting a new addition to their family sometime in August. I am always amazed by how much I get finished during my time off from school, but I look forward to my return.

Hope everyone is off to a blessed New Year, Hasta luego!

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