Thursday, January 05, 2006

Christmas 2005
I just received the photos I took around Christmas- time and have to share a few. This is Kayleigh, our granddaughter (18 months today) who is such a blessing to us. Isn't she beautiful?

Do you want to know the secret to getting her hair into pigtails? I sit her on the bathroom counter and give her a toothbrush (with fruit flavored toothpaste) and let her brush her teeth while I quickly brush her hair and get bands around two pigtails. We all think it makes her look older than she really is, but none of us can resist how adorable she looks in them.

Kayleigh loves to read books, how could she not. It seems that everyone around her is reading a book, either to her or for themselves. She'll be one very well read child.

As her vocabulary has grown, she now enjoys reading to others and it's really cute to listen to her. Here she is reading to her Abba (Mike). She especially loves books with animals, The dog says "woof-woof" and the kitty cat says, "meow." She has a whole repertoire of animal sounds and is working on identifing body parts. All of this, plus she uses sign-language for her many wants and needs. Her favorite and most used sign is for more, which can also mean, want.

Kayleigh kept her great-Grandpa entertained on Christmas day as she read a book to him about Momo (Elmo). Grandpa was pretty impressed and proved you're never too old (he's 90) to learn something new, he didn't know who Elmo was until Kayleigh pointed him out.

As you can tell by reading this posting, we all think Kayleigh is pretty special. On occasion I just have to brag a bit about her. Besides, when I'm not in school, the only real thing of importance to blog about has to be about my granddaughter.

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