Monday, October 04, 2004

This has been an exciting day, we got to do impromtu speeches, oh joy! I pulled out of the bag a cardboard paper towel tube, gave my introduction, three points and conclusion. Tomorrow we get to do another round of impromtu's, I just can't wait! If you're thinking that impromtu speeches are the cause of my excitement, you're kidding yourselves. The source of my excitment came during speech class when my teacher handed me an envelope. As she handed it to me, she congratulated me on my achievement. I had no idea what she was talking about and cautiously opened the envelope to see what it was about. Well, let me tell you what it said, the Psi Iota Chapter of NCTC have recognized me as a distinguished student and have invited me to join Phi Theta Kappa. I'll join and get involved as much as I can. The benefits of membership are worth the time and effort required over the long run. My English Professor has said, "writing makes you smarter" and I sure have been doing a lot of writing since I started college, so maybe I am smarter.

1 comment:

Kendra said...

Congratulations!! I am so happy for you. You have worked so hard and you deserve this recognition.
