Sunday, July 18, 2004

Today is Kayleigh's first dinner at my house, of course she only gets to eat it second hand once her mother eats and then nurses her. ;-)  The best part will be the chocolate buttermilk cake with the chocolate fudge frosting, it's not too early to introduce her to chocolate!
We haven't seen Kayleigh for a week to allow Justin and Michelle time to bond with her as much as they can while living in a town surrounded by both sides of the family and a lifetime of friends. However, one week is going to be my limit before I start having withdrawal symtoms.
Okay, enough about Kayleigh (will there ever really be enough said about her?) Back to my journey down this path of education.
I'm in Art Appreciation this semester and loving it! My professor is great, very knowledgable and well traveled. I'm kind of wishing I had taken this during a regular semester so that I could really enjoy it. We give our first oral presentation about an artist this week. I drew from the envelope,  Robert Campin, whom I didn't know anything about before last week. His era and style have been interesting, especially concerning the facts about the symbolism in his painting and how they all relate to Christ.  I put together a powerpoint presentation, which was relatively easy to do and will only get easier the more I use this resource.  Since I'm a visual and kinetic learner, I will also put together a triptych (3 paneled piece of art) with a copy of the main art piece he is most famous for as a "hands on" visual for the other students to pass around. Who knows but that I will be able to use this along with the note cards I put together for some other class. I've learned that you keep everything you do in college as you go along just in case you need it for another class project. Anyway, as I was saying, this class has been fun and I'm really enjoying it a lot. Needless to say, Art appreciation more then makes up for last semester's pre-algebra class.


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