Saturday, July 24, 2004

I suspect this will be a very busy week, starting with today. Michelle is being given another baby shower this afternoon and while we have already given them baby gifts, I have a sweater set with the bonnet and booties that my Grandmother crocheted 26 years ago. I saved a few things with the idea of passing them on to my grandchildren. This set is in perfect condition since both boys were so big, they didn't wear it more then a few times each and they never wore the bonnet, it just looked too baby girl! So, I will pass it on to Kayleigh as the representation of her great-great-granny and the spiritual heritage both of my grandparents set up for their future generations.

 Monday is my P.E. physical test. It'll be a challenge to get it finished, home to shower, eat lunch and leave for Art class and be on time. I'll send my professor a message to let her know that I may not be on time, but will be there. Tue is a test in Art and then Thur. evening is my Art Appreciation Finals being done at the Dallas Museum of Art. I'm taking Mike and his Dad to expose them to the arts just a little bit more. ;-) His Dad enjoyed himself at the last museum we took him to; I think he'll really enjoy this one. What will be fun Thur. evening is that the museum makes it a little more special with musicians and wine, it'll provide an atmosphere to enjoy the "whole" experience. It may be a little crowded and there is a lot more to see at the DMA, I hope Grandpa will be okay with it, he doesn't really like big crowds.

I can hardly believe that this next week will be finals for both classes even though we will still have one more week of classes. The schedule says that the summer sessions are five weeks, but in reality, they are only four. I won't ever take a math class in the summer, but I plan on taking at least two classes per session for the next two summers so that I'll be able to graduate as quickly as possible. It can be a lot of work and I'm exhausted all of the time, but I want to get my teaching certificate and start teaching!

I've been talking to a few students who took speech class. One of the speeches we will give is a controversial one and I already have mine outlined from one of my papers in English called, "Why Immunize?"  I have yet to come across anyone who will choose to not immunize and especially from those who read my paper (it was an argumentative paper so I had to present both sides). I feel so passionate about this topic that I will try to get it submitted to a parenting magazine. Parents need to know the truth and not make their decision to forego immunizations based on an unproven theory that has been floating around. As for other speeches, I have two more outlined and hope that I'll get to give both of them. I'm actually looking forward to speech class; I loved it in High School and expect that I'll love it just as much now.

I still love being in College, learning, growing and ministering to those around me. Don't be surprised if I share that I won't want to stop at a bachelor's degree and who knows but that I will continue on to get my Doctorate. That will of course depend on how well I am able to balance my time between family, home, teaching and continuing college and above all, what God's plan is for my life. 


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