Thursday, June 10, 2004

Okay everyone, I’ve had my first algebra test and passed it! However, I’m not happy about the grade, but I have given myself permission to get less then 100% on everything and as long as I'm doing my best then that’s okay, I’ll work a bit harder and try to do better the next time.

I woke really early today having dreamt that I was doing math problems, should I be concerned? I have a teacher friend who is from Peru and she was helping me to learn some Spanish years ago when we both taught at the same private school. When I mentioned that I was dreaming and speaking Spanish, she got really exciting and said that it indicated that my brain was “getting” it and I was "thinking" in the language even if only while I was sleeping. Maybe, my most recent dream is along the same idea and I’m starting to get it and think in math terms. I just hope that I’ll be “getting” it while I’m awake, especially while taking test!

I spend several hours per week working on extra math problems just to get more comfortable with what I’m doing. My husband has been really patient about my need to have my work checked. . .every few problems at a time rather then do a whole page and then have it checked. There was one day this week where I was actually getting into the flow of working the problems out and I found myself thinking that I might be enjoying what I was doing. It was a fleeting moment. . .I’m still not changing my major to teaching math. ;-)