Friday, June 11, 2004

Just a quick comment: I finally found a new template for my blog and in my colors! So, I thought I would change it as it seems everyone has been changing theirs. ;-)

Hope everyone is enjoying the sunshine, that is what that big bright yellow thing in the sky is, right? I was beginning to feel like we were in the Pacific Northwest...well, for the rain, not the temp. I love walking in the mornings and seeing everything so green but was thinking that when it starts getting really hot, it'll feel like a sauna as the sun heats up the moisture in the ground. Better enjoy while we can, it's suppose to rain some more over the weekend.

I'm catching up on yard and house work. Fridays are my day off from school and I try to cram as much of everything else into the day. My teacher said we shouldn't study math for more then 30min. at a time because our short term memory can't store the information beyond that. She suggested that we study for 30min. and then take a break before coming back to it for another 30min. I was thinking about that and wondered if after our first 30min. in class is all we are going to comprehend and the rest of 2.5 hrs. is lost on us. The interesting thing about the proceedures, rules and steps I have to remember to solve the different math equations, do seem to catch up with me several hours later in the day. I'll probably work on a few pages later today, we have another test on Tue.
Enjoy the day!

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