Wednesday, June 23, 2004

I'm out of class early today which works out nicely since I have my P.E. final this afternoon. I wasn't happy about the time slots available to do the walking test portion for this class. I normally walk anywhere from 5:30-6:30am. The coach in charge of this class said the Lewisville Rec. center (where we will walk/jog) doesn't open that early. I don't like walking later in the day that is normally when I take a "stroll-slow leisurely pace" with my dog. I prefer to walk before I eat anything, I seem to go faster early rather then later in the day. However, I should be okay with time and distance. Being a non-traditional student works to my advantage for the test. I will only have to walk 2miles in 30min. I normally do 12min. miles...early in the mornings. This has been a slow week for me in general, I'm not sure what is going on with my time. I ended up sleeping for an hour yesterday after coming home from class. When I woke up, I thought I had slept until it was time for Mike to come home, but it had only been an hour. My body must be tired. As a result of feeling slow this week I decided to not walk this morning as a way to save my energy for the timed test this afternoon. I'll have time to eat a light lunch and then rest for a short period before going over to the rec. center. This will be the last part of the finals for P.E.!

We have had so much rain that our grass is growing quickly and needs to be mowed again! Since I will be in my work-out clothes and needing to take another shower, I'll just mow first. Ever the optimist as I find the good to every situation. ;-)

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