Wednesday, June 23, 2004

I did it! I just finished my walk/jog finals and did 42 laps and I only needed 40. I did better then I thought I would, so late in the day. One thing I discovered about walking on such a hard surface as that gym has(not wood floors)is that my shins are feeling it. I wouldn't have thought there would be much difference from walking on pavement, but my legs are telling me otherwise. I feel pretty good about the whole thing, especially when one of the other students (3 of us total)only finished 44 laps and she jogged part of hers and is much younger. Anyway, I have an A for the class (this grade counts toward my degree). I'm pretty sure this is the first time I have received an A for P.E. due to my past history of asthma. Only one more week of journal logs to turn in and then grades will be posted. Of course, I get to do part two of this class next month. I'll get to do my test earlier in the morning since my other class for the next semester will start at noon and last until 2:30pm.

Now, for finals in week with lots of reviews until then. Keep me in prayers for this class.

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