Friday, May 21, 2004

Yesterday was the first baby shower held for my DIL Michelle, you could tell it was for a baby girl with all of the pinks, lavenders and other girly stuff she received. Kayleigh is expected to arrive July 2nd . I’m trying to talk her into June 24th , it’s just a really good number. Michelle and Justin were married on March 24th, Mike and I were married on Aug. 24th and then there is my birthday which is Dec. 24th. So you see, the 24th is just a really great day! However, when ever she decides to arrive is okay with me since we have modern technology, meaning that I will have my cell phone with me and turned on at all times. I will need to explain to my professor this next semester that my phone will be on as I await the call which will let me know that Michelle has gone into labor. She has blessed me with an invitation to be in the delivery room during the birth of our first granddaughter. I can’t think of a better way for the women in Kayleigh's life to bond with her as we share her arrival together. Justin and the Doctor may be the only two guys in the room. Justin might as well get used to being the only guy as he goes home to all females, including the dog!

I (called Ame) have the assignment of taking pictures while Michelle’s mother (called Granny) will be using the video camera. You can expect to see a photo of Kayleigh posted here as I will have to show her off to everyone!

While delivering two sons through natural childbirth was a wonderful experience, being in the room without the pain will be a whole other opportunity to share is a blessed event. I was with my sister during her very long labor and was there to help deliver my nephew during the difficult delivery. It’s an emotional experience to be part of a birthing and one that I look forward to. So, if you are in class with me and my phone goes off and I rush out of the school building, it won’t be for a fire…it’ll be for the birth of Kayleigh!

love and blessings!